Raising Magnolias

Because it's never too late for happily ever after…

Myra Katherine Hale

Welcome to Raising Magnolias!

Magnolias, a symbol of the south, are associated with beauty, perserverance, dignity, nobility, purity, innonence and joy. Created by God, and for His Glory, they are a breathtaking reminder that the dark and dreary days of winter never last. Spring always comes.


I’m the mom of two seriously precious children. They are beautiful and funny and full of joy. They are kind and well mannered (except for the fact that they think “toots” are hysterical) and as for the table….well, we are still working on that. Napkins sometimes become puppets and hotdogs make a perfect sword (not that I would ever feed them a hotdog!) They are strong spirited (read: stubborn) and they do. not. give. up. They are competitive and sometimes fight like the two guys from “Grumpy Old Men.”  They make me laugh and think and cry and silently scream (opera style) and they inspire me to try harder and work harder and love better and grow stronger. Every day. They inspire me.

I am in the process of divorcing my husband of 14 years (Oh, wait, he filed, so I guess I should say I’m in the process of being divorced by my husband). I love Jesus and I already know that God hates divorce, so please don’t feel the need to enlighten me. If there had been the “Most likely to stay married forever; least likely to ever get divorced” category in our highschool’s Who’s Who, I can assure you, I would’ve won. I am humbled and stunned and saddened and angry and did I mention humbled to be in this place. But, here I am (single and approaching the big 4-0) and raising my sweet magnolias.

(To learn more of our  “back” story, visit www.theselittlelights.blogspot.com ).

2 thoughts on “Myra Katherine Hale

  1. Courtney on said:

    You are so beautiful inside and out! Coulter is a fantastic photographer too!

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